Cara memperbaiki error debconf: DbDriver “config”: /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process pada Ubuntu
Check PID dari proses yang menggantung Kill prosses yang menggantung
Check PID dari proses yang menggantung Kill prosses yang menggantung
Menginstall SQLite untuk dapat memanage database SQLite Buka database SQLite dengan perintah berikut: Jalankan perintah update user untuk menset data is_delete = 1 Kemudian Restart docker Nginx Proxy Manager Kemudian…
root@kube-node-a:~# helm upgrade rancher rancher-stable/rancher –namespace cattle-system –set –set bootstrapPassword=P@55w0rdxxError: UPGRADE FAILED: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: the server has asked for the client to provide credentialsroot@kube-node-a:~# Menambahkan kubectl ke .kube/config…
SNMP Exporter Config Generator This config generator uses NetSNMP to parse MIBs, and generates configs for the snmp_exporter using them. Building Due to the dynamic dependency on NetSNMP, you must…
Introduction: This is the second blog in a series of blogs for setting up Microk8s. Link to part 1 MicroK8s simplifies the deployment of Kubernetes on Linux (Red Hat and Ubuntu).…
pgBackRest repository location The first decision you’ll have to take is to know where to store your pgBackRest repository. It can be any supported repo-type with or without a dedicated backup server…
Edit Apache configuration file Add Example Doing this will make PHP scripts show real IP of visitor. You need to restart Apache web server before the change take effect. You…