Cara menginstall email server Zimbra pada Linux Centos 7 | 8
Before starting with this guide, it is important to draw your attention to one aspect: You need root rights to give most of the commands shown in this guide. You…
Before starting with this guide, it is important to draw your attention to one aspect: You need root rights to give most of the commands shown in this guide. You…
Pada Windows Server, terdapat suatu fitur yang dinamakan Active Directory. Active Directory memiliki fungsi untuk menyimpan dan memudahkan baik itu user ataupun administrator untuk mencari dan mendapatkan informasi berbagai macam…
“Initial RAM Disk (initrd)” adalah sistem file root awal yang biasanya dipasang sebelum sistem file root yang sebenarnya tersedia. Gambar “initrd” juga dikenal sebagai “initramfs (Initial RAM FileSystem)” mulai dari…
Referensi :
Purescale is a fascinating feature of DB2 and with the new Cancun Release, it is officially possible to install it on virtual machines. While others do not support virtualization except if…
IBM DB2 database can be installed on Linux, UNIX, or Windows operating systems. We are going to install DB2 Version 10.1 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server from the command…
If all servers are offline at the same time (such as during a power outage), then the cluster will need to be re-created following a crash procedure. 1. Check each…
Untuk mengikuti tutorial instalasi Zimbra Mail Server ada baiknya Anda mempelajari tentang apa itu Zimbra yang dapat Anda lihat pada link berikut: Pengenalan Zimbra. Instalasi Zimbra dapat dilakukan di single server…
Applies to SafeLinx 1.2 Introduction HCL SafeLinx uses a DB2, Oracle, MySQL, or SQL database to store tables of information about current and past activity of SafeLinx Server sessions. How…